💕💕Waterfront Crush Wednesday 💕💕
Ok, so one of them isn’t waterfront but still crushing because of that pool. Do you know which one isn’t waterfront?
Which one is your fav? Comment below or better yet give me a call to see it 😉 - 910-518-JESS(5377).
Simply click the addresses below for all the lovely details. Or better yet give me a call to see one or two 😉 - 910-518-JESS(5377).
Oak Island, NC
5 🛌 3 🛁 1,722 📏
Oak Island, NC
3 🛌 3 🛁 1,536 📏
Oak Island, NC
3 🛌 2.5 🛁 1,585 📏
🏡 7102 E Yacht Drive
Oak Island, NC
3 🛌 2 🛁 1,660 📏
Oak Island, NC
4 🛌 3 🛁 1,866 📏
PSA: these are not my listings. Just pretty waterfront properties that you might like.